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Displaying all 102 summaries
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The Revenue Acceleration Framework Doug Davidoff
The Covert Code Anna Covert
This Is Strategy Seth Godin
The Future-Ready Brand Mitch Duckler
Groundswell Scott A. Martin
Simply Put Ben Guttmann
The Great Digital Transformation Gerard Szatvanyi
The Future of Purpose-Driven Branding David Aaker
The Death of Demographics David Allison
Entrepreneurial Marketing Philip Kotler
Primal Storytelling Anthony Butler
Snake Oil Dan Russell
Brand Primacy Cory Schmidt
Make Your Brand Matter Steven Soechtig
Exponential Jeff Rosenblum
What Customers Hate Nicholas J. Webb
Founder Brand Dave Gerhardt
Likeable Social Media Dave Kerpen
Lies, Damned Lies, and Marketing Atul V. Minocha
Getting to Aha! Darshan Mehta
Sway Christina Del Villar
Upstream Marketing Tim Koelzer, Kristin Kurth
Get Different Mike Michalowicz
Marketing 5.0 Philip Kotler
Quantum Marketing Raja Rajamannar
The Hidden Psychology of Social Networks Joe Federer
Influence Robert Cialdini
From Individual to Empire Laura Bull
Be the Go-To Theresa M. Lina
Content Marketing, Engineered Wendy Covey
Think. Do. Say. Ron Tite
The Tipping Point Malcolm Gladwell
Stand for Something Brian Burkhart
Brand New Name Jeremy Miller
Irrational Loyalty Deb Gabor
Brand Currency Steve Susi