Lies, Damned Lies, and Marketing

Separate Fact from Fiction and Drive Growth
By Atul V. Minocha
# 10min reading time / 14min listening time
About the Summary

In this summary of Lies, Damned Lies, and Marketing, with illustrative examples and reasoning, you will find the insight you need to spot the “leaky holes” draining your marketing dollars. You’ll understand what marketing is, what it can do for you and, just as important, what it can’t do. You will also examine some specific ways it is often misused and abused, leading to the frustrations you are likely familiar with. Second, after you have spotted these holes, you’ll discover what you can do to plug them using more effective marketing that delivers the results you have been seeking.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • The root causes of frustration and marketing and how you can fix them.
  • The difference between big-M and small-m marketing, and why that difference matters.
  • How to attain the right blend of hard data and softer creativity to persuade your audience.
  • How to make marketing work for you and your business, and finally achieve the results you’ve been waiting for.
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