About the Summary

In Irrational Loyalty, author Deb Gabor shows CEOs, VPs, and marketing and branding professionals how to build a brand with customers that are so dedicated that their loyalty is irrational. Customers with irrational loyalty wouldn’t even consider using an alternative brand because they would feel like they were cheating. The way brands build irrational loyalty among their customers is by bonding emotionally. Brands thrive when they have committed relationships with their customers for the long term.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • Why brands are like people and need a solid emotional foundation with their customers.
  • Three “brand questions” that must be asked and answered to create your brand promise.
  • How today’s world affects brand image and can lead to a branding crisis.
  • What a crisis of leadership or a crisis of culture can do to a brand image.
  • How to survive a branding disaster by making an artful apology.
  • Why you should build a brand designed to be used, not sold.
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