About the Summary

During the advent of the Internet, marketers thought of consumers in terms of those who shopped in the non-virtual marketplace (traditional consumers) and those who shopped online (cyberconsumers). In reality, neither extreme truly reflected the habits of tech-savvy consumers. This new audience took on the hybrid qualities of the centaurs of Greek myth (half man, half beast) as they shuttled between online and offline storefronts and information centers, according to their needs. The companies best suited to meet these needs are those that engage in strategies of convergence, adjusting and adapting their businesses between online and offline environments to meet centaurs on their own terms. The authors examine ways to successfully engage centaurs, and look into the future of business and technology.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to recognize the needs of a new breed of consumer.
  • How to master the Five C’s of Convergence.
  • How to redefine the Four P’s of traditional marketing.
  • How to transform your business by communicating with increasingly individualized audiences.
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