
Transform Your Brand by Empowering Instead of Interrupting
By Jeff Rosenblum
# 8min reading time / 13min listening time
About the Summary

In Exponential: Transform Your Brand by Empowering Instead of Interrupting, Jeff Rosenblum’s main thesis is that the world of advertising has changed. Gone are the days when companies could craft brand identities through words that are independent of their culture and behavior. Gone, too, are the days when a company could rely on interruptive advertising alone to create needed growth. The companies of today need adequate transparency and authenticity in order to thrive in the marketplace. Rosenblum lays out his argument by discussing the advertising revolution. He says that, at its core, the advertising revolution “is how brands communicate with consumers.” The world of today provides new challenges, according to Rosenblum. The book further delves into these challenges and how to face them.

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