Spark Brilliance

How the Science of Positive Psychology Will Ignite, Engage, and Transform Your Team
# 10min reading time / 16min listening time
About the Summary

In Spark Brilliance, Jackie Insinger introduces an approach to leadership and team management that’s transformative when it comes to productivity, employee fulfillment, optimism, creativity, and much more. The result? Better results— and clearer definitions of what those results are meant to be. It all begins with Positive Psychology, an often undervalued approach that dismisses negativity and ‘doom & gloom’ thinking with psychological principles that inspire an optimistic view of the future— and just so happen to be true. When you shift your perspective to embrace Positive Psychology, you’ll not only transform your own leadership and the performance of your team; you’ll also skyrocket results for your entire organization.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • The Platinum Rule – the key secret to extraordinary leadership in any setting.
  • Why psychological safety can enhance your team’s performance or derail it.
  • How to take tactical risks in order to supercharge growth.
  • How to build a culture of authentic connection at any organization.
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