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Displaying all 43 summaries
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The Hive Mind at Work Siobhan McHale
Reinvent Faisal Hoque
Leading with Humanity Tom Wellner
Speak Up or Stay Stuck Pam Marmon
Master of Change Brad Stulberg
Barefoot in the Boardroom Shara Hutchinson
Taking Charge of Change Paul Shoemaker
The New Corporate Facts of Life Diana Rivenburgh
Who Killed Change? John Britt, Pat Zigarmi, Judd Hoekstra, Ken Blanchard
Change on the Run Phil Buckley
Change (the) Management Al Comeaux
Leading Without Authority Keith Ferrazzi
The Reinventionist Mindset Joe Jackman
Who Moved My Cheese? Spencer Johnson, M.D.
Propeller Craig Hickman, Tanner Corbridge, Jared Jones, Tom Smith
The Disruption Mindset Charlene Li
Unplugged Steve Buchholz, Tom Roth
Goliath’s Revenge Scott Snyder, Todd Hewlin
The Responsive Leader Erik Korsvik Østergaard
Cascades Greg Satell
The Critical Few Jon R. Katzenbach, James Thomas, Gretchen Anderson
Next Is Now Lior Arussy
Digital@Scale Anand Swaminathan, Jürgen Meffert
Stretch for Change Gustavo Razzetti
The Future-Proof Workplace Morag Barrett, Linda D. Sharkey, Ph.D.
Stacking the Deck David S. Pottruck
Choosing Change Walter McFarland, Susan Goldsworthy
Practically Radical William Taylor
Change with Confidence Phil Buckley
The Q-Loop Brian Klapper
Changeology John C. Norcross, PhD
Change-Friendly Leadership Rodger Dean Duncan
The Reinventors Jason Jennings
Escape Velocity Geoffrey A. Moore
Switch Chip Heath, Dan Heath
The Spider’s Strategy Amit Mukherjee