Leading Without Authority

How the New Power of Co-Elevation Can Break Down Silos, Transform Teams, and Reinvent Collaboration
# 8min reading time / 14min listening time
About the Summary

In Leading Without Authority, Keith Ferrazzi warns we are overdue for a change in the way we work, and that advancing technology has made that change an urgent necessity. At a time when constant innovation, agility, and speed of decision-making can mean the difference between success and failure, the ability to lead without authority emerges as an essential workplace competency. It will require a new workplace operating system, which Ferrazzi introduces as co-elevation. This summary will put you on the path to getting a glimpse at how this bestseller will ultimately transform the world.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to turn colleagues and partners into collaborative teammates.
  • What ‘co-elevation’ is.
  • The 8 Rules of Co-Elevation
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