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Displaying all 42 summaries
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What Lights You Up? Mary Olson-Menzel
12 Habits of Valuable Employees Verne Harnish, Kevin Daum, Anne Mary Ciminelli
I Hate Job Interviews Sam Owens
Slow Productivity Cal Newport
Supercommunicators Charles Duhigg
The Point Steve Woodruff
Get It Together Puja Bhola Rios
The Job Seeker’s Script Judith Humphrey
Remote for Life Jordan Carroll
Trust Your Increments Laura Casselman
Jump Kim Perell
The Self-Employed Life Jeffrey Shaw
Red Cape Rescue Darcy Eikenberg
Work–Life Harmony Grant Botma
Bounce Matthew Syed
The Orange Line Kelly Watson, Michelle A. Waters, Jodi Ecker Detjen
Before the Mic Glenn Gibson
Growing Up at Work Yosh Beier, Yael Sivi
Measure Up Josh McAfee
Plan, Act, Impact Colt McAnlis
Business Made Simple Donald Miller
Shtick to Business Peter McGraw
Drive Your Career Ed Evarts
Get CLEAR on Your Career Valentina Savelyeva
Authentic Confidence Ben Fauske
The 4-Hour Workweek Timothy Ferriss
Confessions of the Accidental Career Coach Cara Heilmann
Evolve Ydalmis Carrasco
Anomaly Zack Miller
The Recognition Book Paul F. Warriner
The Power of Reputation Chris Komisarjevsky
Switchers Dawn Graham
Work Without Stress Nick Petrie, Derek Roger
The Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace Cy Wakeman
Break Your Own Rules Kathryn Heath, Jill Flynn, Mary Davis Holt
Sink or Swim Thuy Sindell, Ph.D., Milo Sindell