About the Summary

Everyone loves the taste of success, but only a few truly embark on the difficult journey to get there. The truth is, it is more than possible to be wildly successful. All you need is a push from the boss you always wanted (and wished you had!). Get It Together: A Winning Formula for Success from the Boss You Need unlocks the journey that can lead you where you envisioned yourself to be. The pages in the book uncover a comprehensive, result-oriented program to help you focus on your personal development and quite simply, “Get It Together.” By bringing her extensive experience as a leader and coach to the table, author Puja Bhola Rios mentors us throughout our journey to success.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to build a “Get It Together” (GIT) Mindset.
  • How to plan your success and execute it relentlessly.
  • How to deploy critical thinking to reach your goals.
  • How to stick to your strategy and success even if the journey seems difficult.
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