Work–Life Harmony

Enjoy Your Life and Family More Because of (Not in Spite Of) Your Work
By Grant Botma
# 10min reading time / 13min listening time
About the Summary

Work-Life Harmony is a step-by-step guide to helping you bring harmony between the personal and professional aspects of your life. After all, your work and your personal life aren’t two opposite ends of a scale -they’re two interwoven aspects of the same whole. As such, they should complement each other. It’s not about working less, but rather cultivating harmony, respect, and love between yourself, the people in your life, and your work. When both your life and you work bring you joy, work-life harmony becomes easier to obtain -and you’re empowered to live and work with purpose in everything you do.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to make your work and home life complement one another.
  • How to stop feeling like your work is pulling you from your life and your life is pulling you from your work.
  • How to reframe your personal and career goals to create unified vision and purpose for your life.
  • What ‘work-life harmony’ truly means, and how to obtain it.
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