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Displaying all 56 summaries
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Believe in Better Damon Stafford
Pattern Breakers Mike Maples Jr, Peter Ziebelman
Take a Chance! Larry Gaynor
Coach Builder Donald Miller
Million Dollar Weekend Noah Kagan
Let Me Save You 25 Years Shawn D. Nelson
Start. Scale. Exit. Repeat. Colin C. Campbell
The Heart of Innovation Matt Chanoff, Merrick Furst, Daniel Sabbah, Mark Wegman
Getting to Resilient Mode Tariq Chauhan
Negotiation Made Simple John Lowry
The Versatile Leader Msuega Tese
Entrepreneurial Marketing Philip Kotler
FAILURE RULES! Andrew Thorp King
Broken to Better Michael Kurland
Vision to Reality Curtis L. Jenkins
Founder Brand Dave Gerhardt
One to Ten Rags Gupta
The Minimalist Entrepreneur Sahil Lavingia
Get Different Mike Michalowicz
Gigworker Brett Helling
Levers Trevor Boehm, Amos Schwartzfarb
You Are The Brand Mike Kim
Traction Gino Wickman
Life Profitability Adii Pienaar
The Acorn Method Henrik Werdelin
Breakout Blueprint Doug Foley
Initiative Joshua Spodek
Zero to One Peter Thiel
The Nuclear Effect Scott Oldford
Shoe Dog Phil Knight
Entrepreneurial Leadership Joel Peterson
Built, Not Born Mike Wicks, Tom Golisano
The Lean Startup Eric Ries
Fail Fast or Win Big Bernhard Schroeder
Your Next Big Thing Matthew Mockridge
Lost in Startuplandia E. Keller Fitzsimmons