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Displaying all 30 summaries
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Delivering Happiness Tony Hsieh
Built to Fail Alan Payne
Around the Corner to Around the World Robert M. Rosenberg
Shoe Dog Phil Knight
Good to Great Jim Collins
The Amazon Management System Ram Charan, Julia Yang
The Airbnb Way Joseph Michelli
The Zappos Experience Joseph Michelli
Great by Choice Morten T. Hansen, Jim Collins
Spark Frank Koller
The Elegant Solution Matthew May
What Would Google Do? Jeff Jarvis
The Orange Code Bruce Philp, Arkadi Kuhlmann
You Can’t Order Change Peter S. Cohan
Extreme Toyota Hirotaka Takeuchi, Emi Osono, Norihiko Shimizu
The Wal-Mart Effect Charles Fishman
Driving Change Mike Brewster, Frederick Dalzell
Boeing Versus Airbus John Newhouse
Exceeding Customer Expectations Kirk Kazanjian
Winning Jack Welch
Small Giants Bo Burlingham
The Search John Battelle
First in Thirst Darren Rovell
Management Wisdom From the New York Yankees’ Dynasty Lance Berger
The Toyota Way Jeffrey Liker
Scoring Points Terry Hunt, Clive Humby
True To Our Roots Paul Dolan
Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance? Louis Gerstner Jr.
The Nokia Revolution Dan Steinbock
Jack Welch and the GE Way Robert Slater
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