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Displaying all 367 summaries
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Hearts Touched with Fire David Gergen
Be a Happy Leader Tia Graham
The Earned Life Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Reiter
Once Upon a Leader Rick Lash, Christine Miners
The Next Normal Greg Giuliano
The Double Bottom Line Donato Tramuto
Amplify Your Influence René Rodriguez
Be More Wrong Colin Hunter
Get on the Bull Dallin Cooper
Lift Faisal Hoque
The Promises of Giants John Amaechi OBE
Coaching A to Z Haesun Moon
Trust & Inspire Stephen M.R. Covey
The Leader’s Mind Jim Afremow
VisuaLeadership Todd Cherches
Swagger Leslie Ehm
Wait Frank Partnoy
Fearless Leadership Loretta Malandro
Beyond Belief John Grinnell
Leadership and the One Minute Manager Drea Zigarmi, Patricia Zigarmi, Ken Blanchard
Inside the Leader’s Mind Liz Mellon
The Littlest Green Beret Jan Rutherford
The YOU of Leadership Twan van de Kerkhof
The New Corporate Facts of Life Diana Rivenburgh
Becoming the Boss Lindsey Pollak
Still Surprised Patricia Ward Biederman, Warren Bennis
The Athena Doctrine Michael D’Antonio, John Gerzema
The Power of Voice in Schools Kristine Fox, Deborah Young, Russ Quaglia, Lisa Lande
Who Killed Change? John Britt, Pat Zigarmi, Judd Hoekstra, Ken Blanchard
Moxie John Baldoni
Delivering Happiness Tony Hsieh
Primordial Leadership Lawrence D. Duckworth
The Strategist Cynthia Montgomery
Succession Noel M. Tichy
The Courage to Act Merom Klein, Rod Napier
Leadership and Self-Deception The Arbinger Institute