
Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking in Leadership and in Life
By Todd Cherches
# 15min reading time / 25min listening time
About the Summary

Author Todd Cherches relies on a single phrase as the foundation to all of his thinking. Visual thinking and visual communication have the power “to communicate, to innovate, to manage, and to lead.” When we communicate in this way, we increase the attention, comprehension, and retention we get from others. In VisuaLeadership, Cherches teaches tools and techniques meant to “equip, enable, and empower” leaders to improve their efficiency and effectiveness, to maximize “performance, productivity, and potential,” and to “open your eyes to a world of new possibilities and new approaches” in becoming the visionary leader you need and desire to be.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • Four ways to get people to see what you are saying as a leader.
  • How models allow you to gain clarity, direction, and focus.
  • How powerful the use of metaphors and stories are in leadership.
  • The ten tough questions every self-aware leader needs to be able to answer.
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