
The Seven Secrets of the World's Most Enduring, Employee-Focused Organizations
# 15min reading time / 27min listening time
About the Summary

If you’re a CEO, manager, executive, or HR leader in your company, you want your company, your team, and your department to be fantastic. This book teaches seven management principles that will truly make your company irresistible – more focused, purposeful, and aligned. Your company will become more agile, more responsive, and more profitable. But even better, your employees, customers, and other stakeholders will be drawn to your company like magnets. It is possible to create such a place and in Irresistible: The Seven Secrets of the World’s Most Enduring, Employee-Focused Organizations, Josh Bersin shows you how.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • The new organizational model: a network of teams.
  • Why we should focus on the work, not the job.
  • The new leadership model: leader as coach.
  • The pandemic-inspired focus on employee experience.
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