About the Summary

Do you remember having a really good conversation? What made it so good? Some people just seem so naturally gifted in conversations; they make you feel understood, appreciated, or perhaps encouraged and valued. What stories do you live with? These questions launched Haesun Moon’s decade-long quest as a communication scientist to research how coaching conversations work. Based on the thousands of hours of research that earned Moon a doctorate degree, she describes in her book, Coaching A to Z, how storying together may begin with simply using our ordinary words in extraordinary ways. It could be as easy as ABC! is the exuberant hope behind this book—that you will begin conversing with yourself and others differently as a result.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • A word or phrase for each letter of the alphabet to help you coach toward purpose and accomplishment.
  • Why good questions invite stories.
  • How getting to “why” can motivate “how.”
  • How coaching conversations can reveal hope.
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