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Displaying all 73 summaries
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Non-Obvious Thinking Rohit Bhargava, Ben duPont
The Illusion of Innovation Elliott Parker
Right Kind of Wrong Amy Edmondson
Leading with Humanity Tom Wellner
Jobs to Be Done Stephen Wunker, Jessica Wattman, David Farber
The Voltage Effect John A. List
The Human Element Loran Nordgren, David Schonthal
The 20% Doctrine Ryan Tate
Orbit-Shifting Innovation Rajiv Narang, Devika Devaiah
Anticipate Failure Lak Ananth
Design Thinking for School Leaders Kami Thordarson, Alyssa Gallagher
Upstream Marketing Tim Koelzer, Kristin Kurth
Rock the Boat Danelle Barrett
RE:Think Innovation Carla Johnson
Big Enough Lee LeFever
How I Built This Guy Raz
The Acorn Method Henrik Werdelin
Running Lean Ash Maurya
The Innovator’s Spirit Chuck Swoboda
The Creativity Leap Natalie Nixon
Play the System Nora Ganescu
The Innovator’s Dilemma Clayton M. Christensen
Create the Future Jeremy Gutsche
The Lean Startup Eric Ries
Innovating Innovation David Morey
Leadership for Innovation David Masumba
The Power of Mandate Jimmy Brown, Scott Stawski
Goliath’s Revenge Scott Snyder, Todd Hewlin
Own the A.I. Revolution Neil Sahota, Michael Ashley
The Change Maker’s Playbook Amy J. Radin
Costovation Jennifer Luo Law, Stephen Wunker
Innovation by Design Edgar Papke, Thomas Lockwood
Yes, And Tom Yorton, Kelly Leonard
Competing Against Luck Karen Dillon, Clayton M. Christensen, David S. Duncan, Taddy Hall
Smartcuts Shane Snow
Disrupt You! Jay Samit