About the Summary

In Rock the Boat: Embrace Change, Encourage Innovation, and Be a Successful Leader, Danelle Barrett shares everything she’s learned about the intersection of leadership and mentorship and how leaders in all arenas can use these secrets to unlock the potential of their people. Whether you’re looking to inspire more, achieve more, be a more effective mentor, or encourage better communication and collaboration in your organization, Rock the Boat has principles to transform you and your leadership for the better — and, in turn, transform your organization for the better.

In This Summary You’ll Learn:

  • How to inspire the people around you, from teams and employees to mentees.
  • How leadership and mentorship go hand in hand, and how to weave them together to great success.
  • How to translate your leadership vision into reality with actionable steps.
  • Communicate, connect, and collaborate better with the people around you— from subordinates to team members to superiors.
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