About the Summary

In his book Big Enough, author Lee LeFever advises readers to identify exactly how big is big enough when it comes to their businesses. LeFever’s book helps readers build scalable, product-based businesses that don’t consume their lives but actually help contribute to increased quality of life and work-life balance. It will give you the insights into business, technology, innovation, and even the science of happiness to help redefine the meaning of success in your life.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to recognize when your business is ‘big enough’ to match the vision you have for your life.
  • How to set priorities, make key business decisions, and identify which pursuits are worth your time.
  • How to break free from society and the business world’s idea of what success is supposed to look like.
  • How to establish a set of values that will serve as your guiding light through all your personal and business decisions.
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