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Displaying all 27 summaries
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Results, Not Reports Peter Follows
Rhythm Patrick Thean
How Excellent Companies Avoid Dumb Things Patricia O’Connell, Neil Smith
The Business Playbook Chris Ronzio
Levers Trevor Boehm, Amos Schwartzfarb
The Live Enterprise Jeff Kavanaugh, Rafee Tarafdar
Strategic Doing Nancy Franklin, Janyce Fadden, Elizabeth Nilsen, Edward Morrison, Scott Hutcheson
Making Big Decisions Better Tim Lewko
Bankable Leadership Tasha Eurich
Speed Joseph R. Folkman, John H. Zenger
The Outward Mindset The Arbinger Institute
Low-Hanging Fruit Jeremy Eden, Terri Long
The Performance Pipeline Stephen Drotter
How Companies Win Rick Kash, David Calhoun
The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working Jean Gomes, Catherine McCarthy, Ph.D., Tony Schwartz
Predictable Results in Unpredictable Times Stephen R. Covey, Bob Whitman
The Three Laws of Performance Steve Zaffron, Dave Logan
A Sense Of Urgency John P. Kotter
Talent Is Overrated Geoff Colvin
The Granularity of Growth Patrick Viguerie, Mehrdad Baghai, Sven Smit
How Dov Seidman
Flawless Consulting Peter Block
Making Strategy Work Lawrence Hrebiniak
A Bias for Action Heike Bruch, Sumantra Ghoshal
Execution Ram Charan, Larry Bossidy
The Myth of Excellence Ryan Mathews, Fred Crawford
Peak Performance Jon R. Katzenbach
You've viewed 27 of 27 books