About the Summary

Companies in all industries experience patterns of success and failure. In fact, recent statistics show that 4% of businesses in the US ever surpass $10 million in revenue and almost 17,000 ever see more than $50 million. Patrick Thean talks about how the rhythm of success and failure need to be approached with a “Think Plan Do” process in his book Rhythm: How to Achieve Breakthrough Execution and Accelerate Growth. With his experience helping numerous businesses over the years, Patrick’s influence can be seen in companies like AvidXchange who used the rhythm of quarterly planning and has grown to over 1600 employees from 5 in the beginning.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • The problems currently plaguing our communication today.
  • Real-life scenarios where digital pollution has hindered communication.
  • How to move toward a more human-centric communication.
  • How humans are to blame; not the technology.
  • How to correct the error and miscommunication we face.
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