How Companies Win

Profiting from Demand-Driven Business Models No Matter What Business You're In
# 15min reading time / 20min listening time
About the Summary

With the recent global recession, the world economy has changed forever. The old tools — most notably supply-chain management — are no longer enough. The new challenge is to locate and capture the elusive pools of high-profit demand. In this summary of How Companies Win, Rick Kash and David Calhoun have the answer: a revolutionary, demand-driven model that has already proved successful for some of the world’s most admired companies, including Best Buy, Anheuser-Busch, Hershey’s, and Allstate.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How media companies, retailers and manufacturers work together to serve demand with much greater precision.
  • What it takes for companies to win in a new era of heightened global competition.
  • How to engage every level within a company, small or large, local or global.
  • How to find real-world solutions that take advantage of the rise of social networks.
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