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Displaying all 20 summaries
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Becoming the Educator They Need Robert Jackson
Well-Being in Schools Andy Hargreaves, Dennis Shirley
So Each May Soar Carol Ann Tomlinson
School Leader’s Guide to Tackling Attendance Challenges Jessica Sprick, Randy Sprick
Your Students, My Students, Our Students Lee Ann Jung, Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher, Julie Kroener
Coherent School Leadership Michael Fullan, Lyle Kirtman
Five Practices for Equity-Focused School Leadership Sharon I. Radd, Gretchen Givens Generett, Mark Anthony Gooden, George Theoharis
What If I’m Wrong? Simon Rodberg
Stop Leading, Start Building Robyn R. Jackson
The Power of Voice in Schools Kristine Fox, Deborah Young, Russ Quaglia, Lisa Lande
Design Thinking for School Leaders Kami Thordarson, Alyssa Gallagher
Fostering Resilient Learners Pete Hall, Kristin Souers
The Learning Leader Douglas B. Reeves
Is My School a Better School Because I Lead It? Baruti K. Kafele
Turning High-Poverty Schools into High-Performing Schools William H. Parrett, Kathleen M. Budge
The Coach Approach to School Leadership Jessica Johnson, Kathy Perret, Shira Leibowitz
Learning Transformed Thomas C. Murray, Eric C. Sheninger
Taking Social Emotional Learning Schoolwide Thomas R. Hoerr
The Principal Reboot Jen Schwanke
Qualities of Effective Principals Xianxuan Xu, James H. Stronge
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