Becoming the Educator They Need

Strategies, Mindsets, and Beliefs for Supporting Male Black and Latino Students
By Robert Jackson
# 15min reading time / 25min listening time
About the Summary

Becoming the Educator They Need by Robert Jackson is a focused guide to engaging, inspiring, and teaching young Black and Latino males to be successes. Drawing upon his life experience and his work as an educator and advisor to schools throughout the country, Jackson outlines strategies and practices that can help counter the negative trends and alter the life trajectories of young Black and Latino males. For those in search of solutions, seeking to make a difference in the lives of all students, especially young men, this will be an insightful resource.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to better understand the world Black and Latino males face each day, within the school and outside of it.
  • Culturally aware teaching practices for leading these young men.
  • Core beliefs, mindsets, and values necessary to best serve your Black and
  • Latino male students.
  • How to develop strong, healthy relationships among you, your students,
  • and your staff.
Buy the book at Amazon

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