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Displaying all 296 summaries
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Blueprint to a Billion David G. Thomson
The Triple Bottom Line Andrew Savitz
What the CEO Wants You to Know Ram Charan
Break From the Pack Oren Harari
The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning Calhoun Wick, Roy Pollock, Andrew Jefferson, Richard Flanagan
Winning Jack Welch
Green to Gold Daniel Esty, Andrew Winston
Exceeding Customer Expectations Kirk Kazanjian
The Hands-Off Manager Duane Black, Steve Chandler
Blue Ocean Strategy Renée Mauborgne, W. Chan Kim
Firms of Endearment Jagdish N. Sheth, David Wolfe, Rajendra Sisodia
Driving Change Mike Brewster, Frederick Dalzell
Seduced by Success Robert J. Herbold
Boeing Versus Airbus John Newhouse
The Definitive Drucker Elizabeth Haas Edersheim
The Wal-Mart Effect Charles Fishman
Breakthrough Business Results with MVT Charles Holland, David Cochran
Get There Early Bob Johansen
Corporate Agility James Ware, Charles Grantham, Cory Williamson
Intellectual Property Paul Goldstein
The Soul of the Corporation Hamid Bouchikhi, John Kimberly
The Complexity Crisis John Mariotti
We Are Smarter Than Me Jon Spector, Barry Libert
Profit or Growth? Bala Chakravarthy, Peter Lorange
Outsmart! Jim Champy
Groundswell Josh Bernoff, Charlene Li
Extreme Toyota Hirotaka Takeuchi, Emi Osono, Norihiko Shimizu
The Granularity of Growth Patrick Viguerie, Mehrdad Baghai, Sven Smit
Great Business Teams Howard M. Guttman
Human Sigma John H. Fleming, Ph.D., Jim Asplund
Building a Values-Driven Organization Richard Barrett
The No Asshole Rule Robert I. Sutton
12: The Elements of Great Managing Rodd Wagner, James K. Harter
What Would Google Do? Jeff Jarvis
The Dream Manager Matthew Kelly
Journey To The Emerald City Roger Connors, Tom Smith