About the Summary

As business owners, we’ve all been there. You have a long list of must-do items but you find yourself stressed, avoiding, and distracted. During these times, the strong temptation is to just throw in the towel and pivot into something else entirely. Entrepreneur and author of Free Time, Jenny Blake calls this state “burn-it-all-down” mode and whenever it strikes, it is a signal communicating that you are not working sustainably. The good news is that “something” could be your next big business breakthrough. Free Time is not about working as little as possible. It’s about applying a framework that creates a business that energizes every person who is involved. It’s about designing and running a “Heart-Based Business” that does not require you to sacrifice your time or your health. By repeatedly applying the principles and systems throughout this book, you will be able to happily, and strategically, work less.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to apply the Free Time Framework to your Heart-Based Business.
  • Why and how to align your values, energy, and strengths to your work.
  • How to design work for ideal outcomes, impact, and optimal process.
  • Who, What, and When work should be assigned to others.
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