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Tom DeMarco
Tom DeMarco is a principal of the Atlantic Systems Guild, a New York- and London-based consulting practice, and a fellow of the Cutter Consortium, where he is
on the Editorial Board of the Cutter IT Journal, and a Senior Consultant with their Business-IT Strategies and Agile Project
Management practices. His clients include Hewlett-Packard, Apple, IBM and many others. He lectures and consults throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa,
Australia and the Far East.
He is also the author of seven books on management and technical development methods, including The Deadline, a business novel, Peopleware, and his latest work, Slack. “Slack,”
according to DeMarco, “is your company’s catalytic ingredient of all change.”
He continues to work in areas of organizational change, project management, and litigation while dividing his time between New York and Camden, Maine.