
Harnessing the Power of Reflective Thinking in Your Organization
By Daniel Patrick Forrester
# 15min reading time / 22min listening time
About the Summary

“Stop, think, and don’t do something stupid!” This is the warning Dr. Robert Bea drills into his civil and environmental engineering students at the University of California in Berkeley. There is an intangible and invisible marketplace within our lives today where the products traded are fourfold: attention, distraction, data and meaning. The stories and examples within Consider by Daniel Patrick Forrester demonstrate that the best decisions, insights, ideas and outcomes result when we take sufficient time to think and reflect.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to formally structure think and reflection time.
  • How to ensure that technology encourages productivity.
  • What it means to create an organizational culture where think and reflection time is a part of everyone’s daily routine.
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