About the Summary

Today’s workplaces are dominated by two generational groups: Baby Boomers and Generation Xers. The Boomers now hold top management and policy-making positions, while the younger Xers have just recently entered the world of work. Unfortunately, both groups view each other with suspicion. Boomers tend to believe the stereotype that Xers are slackers, loners, and self-absorbed. Xers think Boomers are incapable of adapting to technological and social change. Both stereotypes are false, and those who manage Boomers and Xers must learn how to dispel the myths. In this summary you will learn how to help Boomers and Xers in your organization overcome their stereotypical thinking and bridge the actual differences that do exist.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to take your team through difficult but predictable stages as it becomes a high-performance team.
  • What a team leader needs to do to let a team do its best work.
  • How exactly a team should determine what it wants to accomplish.
  • Why intergenerational conflict exists and how to defuse it.
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