Welcome to Management Book Summary

Welcome to Management

How to Grow from Top Performer to Excellent Leader
By Ryan Hawk
# 15min reading time / 19min listening time
About the Summary

Popular leadership podcast host Ryan Hawk distills best practices for newly promoted managers from his in-depth interviews with over 300 forward-thinking leaders and his own experience of moving from exceptional individual producer to new leader. Welcome to Management provides a three-part framework outlining how to lead yourself, build your team, and lead your team. New leaders, and existing leaders who’d like to improve, will benefit from Hawk’s valuable research and practical management strategies.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • The three key steps for becoming an effective manager.
  • Why managers must first lead themselves before leading others.
  • The importance of trust, vulnerability, and ownership in company culture.
  • Why managers must lead, manage, and coach to be excellent and achieve results.
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