About the Summary

Great leaders move us. They ignite our passion and inspire the best in us. When we try to explain why they are so effective, we speak of strategy, vision, or powerful ideas. But the reality is much more primal, according to Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee: Great leadership works through the emotions. The authors, experts in the concept of emotional intelligence (EI), describe what managers and executives must do to become emotionally intelligent leaders ‘using EI competencies such as empathy and self-management’. The authors also explain how to build emotionally intelligent organizations.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • What primal leadership is and why it can create resonance in your organization.
  • What emotional intelligence competencies you need to succeed.
  • Six leadership styles you can use to inspire others, and when to use each one.
  • What you need to change to become a primal leader.
  • How to build an emotionally intelligent organization.
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