
The Ultimate Guide to Powerful Closing and Sales Negotiation Tactics that Unlock YES and Seal the Deal
# 15min reading time / 21min listening time
About the Summary

Buyers have learned to access more information and have gained more control over the buying processthey almost always enter sales negotiations in a much stronger position than the salespeople on the other side of the table. In Inked, Jeb Blount levels the playing field by giving you the strategies, tactics, techniques, skills, and human-influence frameworks required to become a powerful and effective sales negotiator. He teaches you exactly what you need to know, do, and say to gain more control and more power over the outcomes of your deals, and win.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • The 7 immutable rules of sales negotiation.
  • How to use motivation, leverage, and power position in your negotiation strategy.
  • Powerful negotiation psychology and influence frameworks that keep you in control of the conversation.
  • The importance of sales negotiation planning and communication.
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