About the Summary

Going on Offense: A Leader’s Playbook for Perpetual Innovation provides practical, actionable advice on how an organization can attain and sustain the mindset needed to continually adapt to new environments and expand into new territories–and minimize the need for radical transformation. Author Behnam Tabrizi draws on in-depth research from centerpiece companies and their leaders to share methods that can vault your organization to the same ultra-successful heights. Whether you are a frontline employee, a middle manager, an executive, or a CEO, this book is designed to show you the key characteristics companies need and give you practical steps so that you and your organization, or the area you control, can reach your full potential.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • The challenge that stops large organizations from being innovative.
  • How a spirit of generosity lays the foundation for perpetual agility.
  • The role ferocity plays in cultivating a start-up mindset.
  • How companies can act courageously to make sustained change.
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