The Transparent Sales Leader

How The Power of Sincerity, Science & Structure Can Transform Your Sales Team's Results
# 15min reading time / 26min listening time
About the Summary

In The Transparent Sales Leader: How The Power of Sincerity, Science & Structure Can Transform Your Sales Team’s Results, author and accomplished sales leader Todd Caponi challenges long-held sales leadership standards, providing a modern, cards-faceup, science-backed, easy-to-implement framework for today’s sales leaders. This book will become the foundation for new sales managers, a reference guide of ideas and refreshers for seasoned managers, and a vessel to maximize sales capacity of entire organizations. Transparent sales leadership is for those who believe that hitting revenue targets isn’t the job, it’s the outcome.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • The values of transparency in sales leadership.
  • The five F’s of transparent sales leadership.
  • Five buyer-centric perspectives on deal qualification.
  • Six primary categories of intrinsic inspiration.
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