About the Summary

Presidents, managers, coaches and even individuals have the power to choose how they deal with a loss, and whether they are going to allow it to be the beginning of a trend, or have the confidence to learn how to win next time. By studying winning and losing teams, companies and organizations, Harvard Business School Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter has found the keys to confidence and the way to find it when it is lost. Confidence presents the new theory and practice of success, and explains why success and failure are not mere episodes but self-perpetuating trajectories.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • What the 3 cornerstones of confidence are.
  • How leaders can use cornerstones to perpetuate a winning team.
  • The steps necessary to create a culture of confidence in any organization.
  • How to use the cornerstones of confidence in your everyday life to be an optimistic winner.
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