About the Summary

In The First 90 Days, Harvard Business School professor Michael Watkins presents a road map for taking charge in the first 90 days of a new executive position. The first days in a new position are critical because small differences in actions can have a huge impact on long-term results. This book summary will equip executives with strategies and tools to get up to speed faster and achieve more sooner. Watkins reviews with readers how to diagnose a situation and understand its challenges and opportunities.

In this Executive Book Summary®:

  • How to promote yourself. Successful executives put the past behind them and get a running start by learning all they can about their new job.
  • How to learn your new role faster. A leader must customize his or her approach by quickly learning about the organization’s culture and politics.
  • How to choose the right strategy. Selecting the best strategy for your company requires carefully diagnosing the business situation. Only after you’ve analyzed the situation can you choose the right strategic plan that will get results.
  • How to make good things happen right away. You want your boss, peers and subordinates to feel that something new and good is happening. Early wins excite and energize people and build your credibility.
  • How to build a winning team. Without a great team, you’ll face severe difficulties because no leader can achieve ambitious goals on his or her own.
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