About the Summary

A half century ago Peter Drucker put management on the map. Leadership has since put it off. In his latest book, Henry Mintzberg aims to restore management to its proper place: front and center. “We should be seeing managers as leaders,” he writes, “and leadership as management practiced well.” This book is classic Mintzberg: iconoclastic, irreverent, carefully researched, myth-breaking. Managing may be the most revealing book yet written about what managers do, how they do it, and how they can do it better.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • Whether leaders are really more important than managers.
  • Where all the judgment has gone.
  • Whether management style is an over-rated concept.
  • Whether email is destroying the practice of management.
  • How managers are supposed to connect when the very nature of their jobs disconnects them from what they’re managing.
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