About the Summary

Nolan Bushnell founded the groundbreaking gaming company Atari in 1972, and two years later employed Steve Jobs, as well as many other creatives over the course of his five decades in business. Here Bushnell explains how to find, hire, and nurture the people who could turn your company into the next Atari or the next Apple. Bushnell’s advice is constantly counter-intuitive, surprising, and atypical. When looking for employees, ignore credentials. Hire the obnoxious (in limited numbers). Demand a list of favorite books. Ask unanswerable questions, and much more.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to attract creative people to your company.
  • The importance of hiring crazy and obnoxious.
  • How to level hierarchy and successfully take your company from vertical to horizontal.
  • What good things can come with allowing your creative employees to fail.
  • How to talk like a creative.
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