Change Your Life with These 9 Books

May 4, 2023

Achieving goals and attaining success can be a challenging journey, but it is one that can be made easier with the right tools and mindset. There are countless books out there that can help motivate and inspire individuals to reach their full potential and achieve their dreams. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a student, or someone looking to improve your personal and professional life, there is a book out there that can provide you with the guidance and motivation you need to succeed.

In this list, we have compiled the most impactful and inspiring books that we’ve come across that can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. From practical advice on achieving success in business and entrepreneurship, to powerful personal development strategies, these books offer insights and strategies that can help you overcome obstacles, develop resilience, and stay committed to achieving your dreams. So, whether you are looking to start a business, advance your career, or simply improve your mindset, these 9 books can help you unlock your full potential and achieve the success you deserve.

Mindset Book Summary |

The New Psychology of Success

by Carol Dweck, Ph.D.

World-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, in decades of research on achievement and success, has discovered a truly profound idea – the power of our mindset. In Mindset, Dweck explains why it’s not just our abilities and talent that bring us success, but whether we approach them with a fixed or growth mindset. She makes clear why praising intelligence and ability doesn’t foster self-esteem and lead to accomplishment, but may actually jeopardize success.

Your Best Year Ever

Your Best Year Ever
A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals

by Michael Hyatt

In Your Best Year Ever, Michael Hyatt shares a powerful, proven, research-driven system for setting and achieving goals. Anyone who is tired of not seeing progress in their personal, intellectual, business, relationship or financial goals will benefit from the field-tested wisdom found here. Learn how to design your best year ever by discovering what’s holding you back, how to overcome past setbacks, how to quit-proof your goals, and more. Hyatt offers the way to close the gap between reality and dreams.

The 12 Week Year
Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months

by Brian Moran & Michael Lennington

Brian Moran and Michael Lennington open their book by laying out a core concept that has been the focus of their thinking, work, and coaching for more than a decade. The “vast majority” of people never live up to their full potential. Most of us fail to set goals at all and among those of us that do, many of us fail to achieve them. What if that could change? What would happen in your life in particular if every single day you woke up and “performed up to your full potential?” The coauthors of The 12 Week Year are on a mission to unlock the secret to helping individuals and organizations perform at their best and live the life they are truly capable of living.

No Limits
Blow the CAP Off Your Capacity

by John C. Maxwell

In No Limits, best-selling author John C. Maxwell explains how to identify, grow and apply your critical capabilities. Some capabilities are controlled by your choices like your attitudes, character and intentionality and others you already possess such as energy, creativity and leadership. Maxwell provides clear and actionable advice on how you can increase your potential in 17 core capabilities. Once you’ve blown the “cap” off your capacities, you’ll be on track to achieve success and personal growth.


5 Steps to Realizing Your Goals and Resolutions

by John Norcross, Ph.D.

Change is hard. But not if you know the 5-step formula that works whether you’re trying to stop smoking or start recycling. Dr. John C. Norcross, an internationally recognized expert, has studied how people make transformative, permanent changes in their lives. Now his cutting-edge, scientific approach to personal improvement is being made available in this indispensable guide. Unlike 95 percent of self-help books, the Changeology plan has a documented track record of success. In his book, Dr. Norcross gives you the tools you need to change what you want within a mere 90 days.

The High Achievers Guide

The High Achiever’s Guide
Transform Your Success Mindset and Begin the Quest to Fulfillment

by Maki Moussavi

The High Achiever’s Guide lays out a process for creating a new way of operating that you can use for the rest of your life to continue expanding and finding a holistic, redefined kind of success that has eluded you thus far. You’ll learn how to do this by examining how you got here, what drives you, how you hold yourself back, and what it takes to define your new vision for life by facing fear, using your voice, trusting your instincts, and committing to a new way of being.

Getting to It

Getting to It!
Accomplishing the Important, Handling the Urgent, and Removing the Unnecessary

by Jones Loflin & Todd Musig

This will be the only guide you need to sort through the many priorities of your life, know what your IT (Important Thing) should be, and understand how to get IT done. Identifying IT isn’t just the first step in the process of getting focused and heading in the right direction: it’s every step. Getting to It! provides the necessary tools to accomplish the important, handle the urgent, and get rid of the unnecessary. Want to enjoy a more fulfilling life? Get to IT.

The Art of Stress-Free Living

The Art of Stress-Free Living
Reprogram Your Life From the Inside Out

by Brian Ramos, Ph.D.

Our fast-paced lives often leave us feeling stressed, frazzled and out of control. Chronic exposure to stress alters our bodies and brains, ingraining unhealthy responses as primitive parts of our brains grow stronger. Luckily these effects can be reversed, and we can learn to reduce our response to stress. In The Art of Stress-Free Living, neurobiologist Dr. Brian Ramos offers to help us regain our sense of efficacy and joy in our lives.

Habits for Success

Habits for Success
Inspired Ideas to Help You Soar

by G. Brian Benson

There comes a time in all of our lives when it becomes more painful for us to stay mired in our old habits than to step outside our comfort zone and risk the unknown as we journey toward finding our true voice. While speaking your true voice, creativity flows, fears subside, and peace of mind prevails. Join G. Brian Benson in Habits for Success and learn how to create habits for living authentically.