About the Summary

Moving into a new leadership position is one of the toughest challenges an executive can face. Whether you’re a veteran leader taking over a new organization or a novice moving into your first leadership role, this practical guide will help you manage your leadership transition so you can take charge, build your team, and deliver results. This executive book summary of The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan presents proven solutions and cutting-edge techniques for getting started successfully in your new role.

In This Summary You’ll Learn:

  • How to turn key stakeholders and direct reports into your allies.
  • How to build your new team with early wins.
  • How to fit into a new corporate culture — and shape its evolution.
  • How to create, communicate and implement a new strategic direction.
  • How to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls.
  • How to build loyalty, trust and commitment with new colleagues.
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