The Coaching Manager

Developing Top Talent in Business
By James M. Hunt, Joseph R. Weintraub
# 15min reading time / 17min listening time
About the Summary

When managers communicate a genuine interest in helping rather than evaluating their employees, they create opportunities for everyone to learn. Managers who try to help employees learn and become more productive in the process. In The Coaching Manager, James Hunt and Joseph Weintraub introduce an easy-to-implement developmental coaching model based on their extensive work with thousands of managers, executives and MBA students. The goal is for managers to help employees learn to be more productive on a day-to-day basis. This model encourages employees to take greater responsibility for their learning and development while forging a healthy relationship between manager and employee.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to use real-world strategies to develop the leadership potential of your people.
  • Ways to create a coaching-friendly environment in your organization.
  • How to create real opportunities for your people to learn.
  • How to use a new model of management coaching to become a master coach.
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