About the Summary

Using examples of successful implementation of the Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy at such companies as General Electric, AlliedSignal and Polaroid, Harry and Schroeder (both from the Six Sigma Academy, Inc.) lay out in detail the theory and practice of achieving the astounding level of quality (3.4 defects per million) at the heart of this approach.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • What factors and business needs lead companies to implement Six Sigma.
  • How to benchmark performance and use metrics to measure progress.
  • How to break down a process into its elemental components.
  • How to structure your Six Sigma project teams from the top down, and motivate them to succeed in their project-related endeavors.
  • How to implement the Breakthrough Strategy at the business, operations, and process levels.
  • How to prepare your organization for the challenges, changes, and rewards of Six Sigma.
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