Twilight in the Desert

The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy
By Matthew R. Simmons
# 15min reading time / 22min listening time
About the Summary

This summary looks behind the curtain to reveal a Saudi oil production industry that could soon approach a serious, irreversible decline. Veteran oil industry analyst Matthew Simmons draws on his 30 years of insider experience and more than 200 independently produced reports about Saudi petroleum resources and production operations. What he uncovers is a story about Saudi Arabia’s troubled oil industry, not to mention its political and societal instability, which differs sharply from the globally accepted Saudi version.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:
• The truth behind the 70-year history of modern Saudi Arabia.
• Why the geological phenomena that created Saudi oil invincibility now threaten to bring it to an end, far sooner than the world has been led to believe.
• A field-by-field assessment of 12 key Saudi oil fields, and how verified shortfalls in their production and potential stand sharply at odds with unverifiable Saudi rhetoric.
• How Saudi Arabia’s Aramco invokes “fuzzy logic” to manage the future of Saudi oil.

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