The Ten Faces of Innovation

The Ten Faces of Innovation

IDEO's Strategies for Beating the Devil's Advocate & Driving Creativity Throughout Your Organization
# 15min reading time / 22min listening time
About the Summary

Building on The Art of Innovation, which celebrated the work culture that distinguishes his high-profile, award-winning industrial design firm IDEO, Kelley and coauthor Littman demonstrate how a culture of continuous innovation and renewal can be nurtured and sustained in The Ten Faces of Innovation. The authors look at 10 personas in the workplace, such as anthropologists, who contribute insights by observing human behavior; experimenters, who try new things; hurdlers, who surmount obstacles; collaborators, who bring people together and get things done; and caregivers, who anticipate and meet customer needs.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How businesses use design thinking to routinely innovate.
  • How to create, experiment, inspire, and build new ideas.
  • How to reshape and recast your business’s strategic thinking and direction.
  • The roles that people can play in an organization to foster innovation and new ideas.
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