About the Summary

Christensen and co-author Raynor show how to successfully respond to the “disruptive technologies” first highlighted in Christensen’s seminal bestseller, The Innovator’s Dilemma. If you want to grow your organization organically, if you want to beat your most powerful competitors, if you want to get the scope of your business right, read this summary. You’ll discover how to create disruptions rather than be destroyed by them. The Innovator’s Solution is must-reading for those in established businesses.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How you can beat your most powerful competitors. It all starts with disruption – if you learn the elements of disruption and practice its theories, no competitor will be able to touch you.
  • What products your customers will want to buy. Learn how to accurately segment your markets (hint: it’s not by demographics like age or gender), help your disruptions grow into healthy businesses, and avoid the market forces that can fool you into making bad decisions.
  • Who the best customers are for your products. How do you extract growth from an audience that doesn’t use your products at the moment? It’s a secret that can put you over the top.
  • How to get the scope of your business right. Should you take care of key functions in-house, or outsource them? Should you integrate your product offerings or modularize? Find out which is right for your business.
  • How to develop disruptive growth from the top down. Powerful executive leadership is essential in turning disruptive innovations into successful businesses. What should your executive leadership do to get the ball rolling toward successful disruptions? How can they help foster sustained business growth?
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