About the Summary

The book Selling from the Heart: How Your Authentic Self Sells You! helps readers build a fail-proof recipe for success by using the power of authenticity. The pages within talk about the importance of building relationships, being authentically you, and genuinely taking care of your clients. By deploying learnings from his successful sales career, author Larry Levine lays out insightful and actionable ways salespeople can truly know themselves, operate with brutal honesty, prospect consistently, understand clients deeply, build lasting relationships, and finally become successful at sales. His lessons help learners evolve from mediocre “sales reps to winning “sales professionals.”

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to be authentic and sell from the heart.
  • How to prospect consistently and build lasting relationships with clients and prospects.
  • How to truly understand and fulfill the needs of clients.
  • How to use the power of content and social media to start meaningful conversations.
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