About the Summary

In, Building Corporate Soul: Powering Culture & Success with the Soul System, Ralf Specht provides a framework that allows leaders to act immediately for the long-term benefit of their businesses. The Soul System gives answers on how to approach this seismic shift by giving away practical and reality-tested approaches that enable leaders to maximize the impact of their workforce. In doing so they will gain the broad acceptance of society as a whole— winning the hearts of their stakeholders on an emotional level and convincing their minds on a rational basis.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to move beyond current thinking and create an environment where business goals are understood.
  • How corporations can ‘walk their talk,’ going beyond words to truly embody their vision and culture.
  • How to turn a company’s purpose into a real means to an end.
  • How every leader can ignite or re-ignite the corporate soul in their firm.
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