Jeff Thull’s book Exceptional Selling is driven by street-level straight-talk about the one-on-one skills that professionals need to succeed. Jeff Thull challenges conventional thinking and gets down to the key ingredients — the "magic sauce" that combines a powerful communication mindset, exceptional skills and winning disciplines distilled from the best of the best. In this conference you will get the edge that will enable you to succeed — to set yourself apart from your competition, connect to your customers’ hearts and minds and clearly establish the value you offer.

Soundview’s audio conference How to Connect and Win in High Stakes Sales applies powerful diagnostic principles directly to sales conversations. It shows you how to create a customer engagement in which the common barriers to success — limited access, ambiguous words, objections, and cutthroat negotiations — melt away.

If you want to set yourself apart, connect with your customers, raise the bar for your competition and win in high stakes sales, this is the conference that will take you there.

The MP3 recording and slides from this event as well as a book summary for Exceptional Selling will be available to listen to or download from your Online Library immediately after check-out.

About the Speaker
Jeff Thull

Jeff Thull is a leading-edge strategist and valued advisor for executive teams of major companies worldwide. As President and CEO of Prime Resource Group, he has designed and implemented business transformation and professional development programs for companies like Shell Global Solutions, 3M, Microsoft, Siemens, Citicorp, IBM, Raymond James, and Georgia-Pacific, as well as many fast track, start-up companies.

Thull has gained a reputation as a leader in the area of sales and marketing strategies for companies involved in complex sales. He is also an in-demand public speaker who has delivered more than 2,500 speeches and seminars. His work is published in hundreds of business and trade publications.

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