The Dollarization Discipline shows organizations and marketers how to effectively communicate the economic value created by their products and services. Too often, when companies compete using conventional sales and marketing approaches, they force customers to make financial decisions (how much to spend), based on non-financial arguments (product features and benefits). On this playing field, the company that can show true financial advantage in real dollars and cents wins every time. Every day, good companies suffer because they create value for customers but aren’t able to keep their fair share. This is because most marketers can’t fully explain the value customers get from their products, and the argument falls to the lowest common denominator — price. The solution is an approach to sales and marketing that goes beyond articulating features and benefits, but calculates the monetary value a customer receives from a product or service. This enables the seller to price the offering as a true reflection of its value — and also lets the seller prove it to the customer!

The MP3 recording from this event as well as a book summary for The Dollarization Discipline will be available to listen to or download from your Online Library immediately after check-out.

About the Speaker
Jeffrey Fox
Richard Gregory

Rick Gregory is Principal of R.C. Gregory & Co., a b2b marketing consulting firm based in Farmington, Connecticut. He has helped hundreds of leading companies tackle complex marketing and sales issues. One of his specialties is helping marketers understand, identify, quantify and get credit for the value they create for customers — a discipline that he calls Dollarization. Rick supports his client’s Dollarization efforts through workshops, training programs, customer research and the development of customized ROI tools.

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